Sunday, November 2, 2014

How to know you've offically entered the adult world: Early 20's edition

  1.  You look forward to your work commute because you get a chance to listen to your favorite talk radio show
  2. You change your emergency contact from an immediate family member to your significant other
  3. You start to get calls from bill collectors at least once a week
  4. You get EXTREMELY upset when your daily routine is thrown off 
  5. You get stupidly excited about being able to buy a good week of groceries (anything outside of the frozen food section)
  6. You hate shopping (it means spending money you don't have)
  7. But you LOVE online shopping (internet money isn't real money.... right?)
  8. You make projects out of nothing on the weekends because you can no longer have a "lazy weekend"
  9. Your joints and bones have begun to crack and ache in the mornings and randomly throughout the day
  10. You find new things on your body (a new freckle here, a new, very large dark spot there as you are twisting and have become a body contortionist in the mirror looking at your back side)
  11. You ask your significant other to become your doctor and ob-gyn when something funky is going on
  12. You go to bed at 9:00pm and can no longer sleep in
  13. You ask your aunt and other family members for hand-me-down clothes
  14. You get excited about trying out new recipes
  15. You have to make one "adult" phone call a day whether it be to the bank, work, paying bills, etc.
  16. While sitting at dinner you pretend you're playing on your phone when in reality you're online banking trying to figure out how you're going to pay for the bill.
  17. Having to decide between groceries and food for the week or to pay that one bill that you've pushed off for a *cough cough* month or two
  18. You go to the gym not only to "look good" because you know it's actually good for your health 
  19. You have a real, legit dining room table set
  20.  Instead of looking forward to a weekend of drinking at the bar with friends you get excited for a weekend of Netflix and Pinterest projects. 
  21. You have to sit and mentally prepare yourself before looking at your dwindling bank account
  22. You get excited/nervous when you have ten extra dollars after paying off all your mandatory bills (which one did I forget?)
  23. Cleaning and organizing your apartment is no longer a chore because you enjoy not tripping over bottles and clothes on your way to the bathroom
  24. You've revised your big list of goals and dreams to a much lower standard, realistic set
  25. You start buying good quality, classic pieces of clothing rather than that Forever21 sweater that will shred after one wash.

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