Thursday, May 19, 2016

Construction Season is Upon Us!

Have you ever driven in Michigan from the months of May-September? Oh, no? You haven't? Let me paint you a little picture,It fucking blows! Do you like the color orange? You'll learn to loathe it come the end of summer. The thing I hate most about driving around the construction is not the actual traffic itself. It is the people who drive like they are the Queen of goddamn London, laws don't apply to me, I am exempt!

This morning, I got to sleep in a little bit, it was my off day of working out. My boyfriend comes in to give me a kiss good bye, I slow get up checking my snapchats, instagram, and facebook. I decide it is time to get out of bed and make myself semi-presentable to the law firm that I work at as a legal assistant. I decide on frozen french toast for a suitable lunch and head out the door.

As I approach an area that has been under construction for a week now, I get into the right lane, ya know, 'cause the big bright orange sign on the side of the road says to merge. Do people follow? Of course not! As I sit in my Dodge Caliber patiently glaring at each driver who speeds past me with demise-- they don't follow the rules of the road like all the rest of us peasants.

I keep quiet until some douche lord in a white Charger comes squealing past all of us teachers pets and jets right past the HUGE LINE OF CARS IN THE LEFT LANE. You would think that he would wonder as to why all the people are in the opposite lane as him in a construction zone, dimwit.

As I get up to the front of the single file line, I see the same white charger waiting to get into the right lane. YES MY FELLOW RULE FOLLOWERS, BANDTOGETHER! Unite as one and never allow this car in! KARMA WILL PREVAIL TODAY!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Cover Photos are SOOOOO Unrealistic.... Kidney Disease SUCKS

I have officially been in remission from "No Change Kidney Disease" since August 19th, 2015. Oh. My. God do you know how exciting it was to be declared in remission?! For any one who has gone through this experience skip this part, if you have not... read on.

Being diagnosed with ANY disease, you feel like it is the death you of you, Death rolls across your mind for days, weeks, months on end until you believe it is real. There are days that you feel like you last day might be tomorrow... granted that might be the medicine but DAMN it seems SO real.

For days, I would imagine myself ramming my car into the highway barriers for MONTHS to make it look like an accidental suicide to make my loved ones feel at ease. I though about "accidentally" overdosing" on my medicine, I thought about doing self-harmful things to make it look like an accident so friends and family wouldn't hurt. I wanted to die in every way possible, I wanted to be gone as long as it didn't bring pain to myself and my loved ones.

I was diagnosed with kidney disease in my LAST SEMESTER of my senior year of my bachelor degree at Michigan State University. WTF?! I liked to party and drink...and hangout late and do nothing... I had to give that up for treatment? Fine. I was in a long distance- long term relationship with someone I adored. I knew things were going far. Ill apply for careers and see where it went...

Not very far. I wanted to stay close to those that I knew cared about me (my boyfriend, my family, and very few friends). It's incredible how much your self image changes during times like this. I went from a "140lbs girl to a 200lbs depressed, bed ridden, suicidal  woman." THINGS ARE NOT EASY.

PREDNISONE CHANGES A PERSON (I can not express this enough...). I thought for months I was immune to predinose, LIES!!!!!! I gained 60+lbs while on this medication.


Despite working out consistently, I would still gain 5+lbs/week. I hid my depression very well until one week I needed help and I told my aunt and mom that I wanted to die rather than live. They talked me into going to my next doctor appointment at University of Michigan the following month where I broke down to the doctor that I was "madly depressed" and "that is was hard to see the point in anything anymore."

Finally, I was being taken off Prednisone and put onto a Chemotherapy that would make me be nauseous and puke nearly 3/7 days of the week. The amount of medication I was taking on daily basis was ridiculous.
Every morning forcing myself to take these pills was a chore and to remind myself that life WAS WORTH LIVING. I reminded myself that by posting very motivational quotes to seemed fake at t the time but it was my subconcious telling me to keep going, LIFE IS WORTH IT. 
Granted, Nate was the one who kept me sane, I personally had to pull myself back to reality and know that this was only temporary, he was the one I was beautiful, and I was worth it, and that I had a purpose in life. 

I decided to stop taking my medicne and turn to ItWorks Greens and I have been able to get off of my chemotherapy and be FULLY IN REMISSION FOR OVER A MONTH. I have lost 20+ lbs since being on the wraps and on ItWorks Greens and my doctor says everything is looking great. 

I have been able to get off of my anit-depressants, anxiety, I no longer have thoughts of wanting to die, and now I see and incredible future in my path. 


My personal results:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Kidney Disease Story

Where to even begin…
It all started back in January of 2014.  I started getting really bad cramps in my legs to the point that they would be rock solid and in so much pain I couldn’t walk. My ankles and feet then started to swell, some days more so than the others. 

In early February I woke up with a swollen face. I had an exam that day and little sleep from the night before from studying so I figured it was body on freak out mode from stress and anxiety. I texted this picture to my aunts, mom, and boyfriend and they all agreed that it wasn't normal but that it was stress induced and to take it easy the next couple days so the swelling could go down, and it did, at least for a few days. 

My legs contined to keep getting larger and larger. More pain walking around the large campus of Michigan State University. Some days while walking to class I would have to stop at each building I passed to sit down and let the pain go away before I would get up again to walk as far I could before my eyes would start to tear up from the pain again. I started missing a lot of my classes because it was just too much.
At this point I had what it called "edema." Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues. I was able to push in on my legs for a good inch-inch and a half and have the indentation of my finger remain in my legs for about a minute. What the fuck is going on with my body?!

Time for the doctor. I went to a primary care doctor because I had no idea what else the fuck to do. This doctor was incredibly kind and understanding. We did an EKG in her office to make sure my heart was working properly, and it was. I was then sent to the hospital to get a CT and an ultrasound of my legs. For someone who had never spent any large portion of time in hospitals, this was a new experience for me and it was almost exciting.
Exciting until all my results of these tests come back negative. My doctor THEN sent me to a nephrologist, a kidney doctor. My first appointment I did a urine sample and just chatted about my symptoms, which were still edema and just all over pain and discomfort. She said that I needed to get a kidney biopsy. Uhhhh what? Surgery?

On March 26th, my dad picked me up from my dorm at 5:00 in the morning to head to Royal Oak's Beaumont Hospital to get my kidney biopsy. I was not allowed food or drink. What I remember about going in before surgery was not so much nerves but how badly I wanted to CHUG a HUGE glass of water. They took me into the operating room and here is where the nerves started to set in. Apparently the nurse could see this on my heart rate monitor and tried to get me an extra dose of sedation to knock me out but that freaked me out even more and I pushed it to stay awake through the surgery.
"Biopsy is finished. Smiles on my face. Getting results in a few days. Been fasting and I'm so hungry and thirsty! I want food! Thank you everyone for positive thoughts and vibes, much appreciated"

 For the rest of the day I had to lay on my side, not move my head or body. I had no pain. Pshh this is a breeze. Annnnnnnd then they wanted a urine sample, without me getting up which means they wanted me to pee in a bedpan. I tried so hard, but it such an unnatural feeling to pee in a bed! They allowed me to get up to walk to bathroom and I thought I was going to collapse for the pain I had in my side. Just hours before I had needles poking around and cutting at my insides and now I'm up trying to walk around?! Bad idea Dana. 
Bruise from biopsy

April 14th, my doctor told me that I had Nephrotic Syndrome. This is basically just an umbrella term for a bunch of symptoms. "Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterized by a number of signs of disease: proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema.[] It is characterized by an increase in permeability of the capillary walls of the glomerulus leading to the presence of high levels of protein passing from the blood into the urine."

I was also told that I had IgM Nephropothy and  No Change Disease.

IgM is short for Immunoglobulin M, one of the types of antibody the body produces to fight infection. This circulates in the blood. “Nephropathy” is a scientific term for kidney disease. The “glomeruli”, which are the tiny structures which filter the blood to make urine, are damaged by deposits of IgM.

In minimal change disease, there is damage to the glomeruli -- the tiny blood vessels inside the nephron where blood is filtered to make urine and waste is removed. The disease gets its name because this damage is not visible under a regular microscope. It can only be seen under an electron microscope.

I was placed on high dose of Prednisone to help my kidneys function properly. Let me tell you this is THE. WORST. DRUG. IN. HISTORY. I had awful mood swings, I can't sleep at night, no sex drive, I had gained 45 pounds in the course of a year. It is just awful.

I have had to come to terms with a lot of things since being diagnosed. Gaining the large amount of weight is still one I am fighting every day. My self body image is still me when I weighted 140lbs. I still think of myself as skinny and fit and able to walk up stairs easily, but that is not the case. I hate shopping now because I am in the large and extra large section and clothes don't fit how they used to. All my old clothes don't fit me anymore.

I've had to learn to express when I need help rather than just waiting for it to come to me. For the first year I tried to go to doctor's appointments and labs all on my own while hearing all this new information. That in turn made me glaze over in my appointments when my doctor was giving me important information. Dealing with chronic kidney disease is not something that just be a lone battle and I now have an army behind me helping me with bills and appointments and research. SO MUCH BETTER.

I had a lot of positivity and optimism in the beginning of my disease but that has slowly simmered away. It has come to the point that my boyfriend has to old me at least once a week crying from depression and not being able to accept the fact that I can't just ignore it and give up. Why did this happen to me? Why do I have to deal with all of this shit? It's not fair.

BUT that is thing, life is not fair. I DO have to deal with this, on a daily basis. I have to remember to take my medications, I have to remember that my body doesn't function the same way other people's do. Some days I will have really bad dizzy spells and my vision disappears and that is my body telling me to slow down.

I could not be more thankful for the amazing partner I have to help me with every day. Nate knows when I need my space to recoup and when I am right on the verge of crying (because apparently I have a fake smile that I do right before I cry to try and fight off the tears). Having someone who has to deal with my issues of this disease on a daily basis is someone who is very strong. With being depressed and angry and confused and scared and every other emotion out there in the course of a day, you have to be able to adjust and be patient and Nate is both of those things.

As for now, I am just taking it day by day, because well that is all that I really can do. Some days are better than most but you just have to keep moving and know that I have amazing people surrounding me and need me here as much as I need them. So I will keep fighting. Keep fighting to get off prednisone, to find a cure, to be healthy, to be happy, to have a meaningful life.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

How to know you've offically entered the adult world: Early 20's edition

  1.  You look forward to your work commute because you get a chance to listen to your favorite talk radio show
  2. You change your emergency contact from an immediate family member to your significant other
  3. You start to get calls from bill collectors at least once a week
  4. You get EXTREMELY upset when your daily routine is thrown off 
  5. You get stupidly excited about being able to buy a good week of groceries (anything outside of the frozen food section)
  6. You hate shopping (it means spending money you don't have)
  7. But you LOVE online shopping (internet money isn't real money.... right?)
  8. You make projects out of nothing on the weekends because you can no longer have a "lazy weekend"
  9. Your joints and bones have begun to crack and ache in the mornings and randomly throughout the day
  10. You find new things on your body (a new freckle here, a new, very large dark spot there as you are twisting and have become a body contortionist in the mirror looking at your back side)
  11. You ask your significant other to become your doctor and ob-gyn when something funky is going on
  12. You go to bed at 9:00pm and can no longer sleep in
  13. You ask your aunt and other family members for hand-me-down clothes
  14. You get excited about trying out new recipes
  15. You have to make one "adult" phone call a day whether it be to the bank, work, paying bills, etc.
  16. While sitting at dinner you pretend you're playing on your phone when in reality you're online banking trying to figure out how you're going to pay for the bill.
  17. Having to decide between groceries and food for the week or to pay that one bill that you've pushed off for a *cough cough* month or two
  18. You go to the gym not only to "look good" because you know it's actually good for your health 
  19. You have a real, legit dining room table set
  20.  Instead of looking forward to a weekend of drinking at the bar with friends you get excited for a weekend of Netflix and Pinterest projects. 
  21. You have to sit and mentally prepare yourself before looking at your dwindling bank account
  22. You get excited/nervous when you have ten extra dollars after paying off all your mandatory bills (which one did I forget?)
  23. Cleaning and organizing your apartment is no longer a chore because you enjoy not tripping over bottles and clothes on your way to the bathroom
  24. You've revised your big list of goals and dreams to a much lower standard, realistic set
  25. You start buying good quality, classic pieces of clothing rather than that Forever21 sweater that will shred after one wash.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

You promise?

Oh boy, where to even begin? Happy one year anniversary Nater! How in the world did we get to one year?

For those who are unaware, Nate and I have quite the back story to our relationship. Let us journey back.

Freshmen year of college and I was a scared little freshmen, he President of his fraternity. Oh lala. A month or two of us messing around and he wasn't having it and moved on to the next lassy of his choosing (or so I like to tease him for). I then dated another brother of the fraternity for about year, oh the cluster-fuck that was the relationship (that's a whole different blog post)!

Nate and I rarely talked since freshmen year other than the polite conversation that we had to endure being that my boyfriend of the time was roommates with him... awkward, I know.

Nate moved out to Colorado and was having a bit of a rough time after he graduated. Out of the blue one day he texted me asking my opinion on a tattoo he wanted to get.

And this began our 2 year long friendship.

For two years we texted- every day, all day. Good morning's first thing when we woke up and good night's when we went to bed. Everyone thought that we were having a secret relationship when in reality is I would change in front of him, we would sleep in the same bed without even a kiss. How he kept his sanity during this time, I don't know (props).

I then left for Malawi for a study abroad for the entire summer. He was the one person who would send me emails and Facebook messages to stay in contact with me (hey, when you talk to someone all day, everyday for two years, you get a bit attached). He even went as far as getting a very large phone bill from me drunk texting him one night while I was out at the bar... THOUSANDS of miles away, a whole ocean between us and he is my go to person. We then decided that upon my return to America we would discuss giving "us" a-go.

That happened and he said he couldn't do the long distance (I was still going to school at Michigan State and he was working in Detroit). Of course, like any girl being rejected I got pissed and didn't talk to him for a few days and had to play the jealousy card to get him to realize what he was really doing.

He invited me to come to Detroit that day to stay with him for the weekend.

A week later was the U of M vs. MSU game. I wasn't feeling like tailgating so Nate stayed out drinking with friends and I met him at his fraternity house later in the night. We went to the back parking lot so I could put my purse in his truck for safe keeping and he asked me in the cheesiest, cutest, DRUNKEST way possible "Will...will you beeeeee muh gurlfrand?"

Annnnnnnd here we are today, a year later. I don't know about you but it's been one hell of a ride and I couldn't imagine being on it with anyone but you. So in honor of our big accomplishment, I decided to come up with 10 characteristics I love most about you (I'm mushy-gushy and THAT girlfriend... so what? Get over it!).

May we?

  1.  Understanding. You know those couples who ask how their partner's day went and don't really listen? We are not one of those couples. When I walk in the door at the end of the day, you genuinely want to know how my day was. Most of the time, I word vomit on you about everything and every little detail of my day down to my bathroom trips (because that's just how I am) and you listen to every little part of my word vomit. You understand me in a way that most people don't get. You leave me alone when you know I need "me" time to recoup, you hold me when you know I need to be held, and you say the most perfect things at the most perfect time, all because you understand me as a person.
  2. Compassionate. When I was first getting diagnosed with kidney disease and didn't know what was happening to my body, I was scared and confused like no other. The day we went to the doctor to get the diagnosis, I was brushing my teeth and started to cry because my face was not my own, I was swollen and uncomfortable and nervous and every other emotion you can think of. You came up behind me, hugged me, gave me a kiss on the check and said "You are beautiful, I love you." and then literally held me up while I finished brushing my teeth and cried. If that is not the definition of compassion, I don't know what is.
  3. Sense of humor. From dancing and screaming songs in the car to burps, farts, and every other disgusting body function- you get my sense of humor and I get yours. You make me laugh every day.
  4. Patient. During my month of unemployment you were incredibly supportive of every job venture I wanted to tackle. It took a lot longer than expected to find a job and you were patient and understanding and supportive to know that I had to do it. You also are incredibly patient when dealing with Drunk Dana, who can either be quite the bitch or an emotional wreck (remember the time in East Lansing when we were trying to find my friends house and I started crying out of the blue and you asked why and I responded with "I don't know, I just am" and you just knew I was drunk and needed to cry it out? PATIENT mother-fucker. Well done). 
  5. Caring/supportive. You got us both awareness gear for kidney disease. SUPPORTIVE ASS BITCH. You come to my doctor's appointments with me and ask questions that you are concerned about or I forget to ask, you put oil on my stretch marks every night because you know how much they bother me, you deal with my anxiety and talk things out with me at 2:00 in the morning when I can't sleep. You support me when I can't afford to support myself. 
  6. Kind. On our trip to DC I was a miserable wreck. I was swollen and walking all day and just in incredible pain but I endured it because I knew it would make you and my Aunt happy. To return the favor, you walked in an unknown city to get me my favorite meal, Noodles and Co. 
  7. Ambitious. Anything from fitness to your career, you always want to better yourself and I admire that about you. You push me to want to be better. Having someone in my life who moves you forward instead of being stagnant is someone I want to keep in my life for a long time.
  8. Protective. Emotionally and physically, I know you never want me get hurt. It's funny because I even find myself reaching for you when I am scared or nervous and your already there with open arms because... well, you just know. Like that time we had date night in downtown Detroit and all of a sudden the storm of the century came rolling in and within ten seconds we were in the midst of the apocalypse. I don't know how you knew, maybe it was the look on my face, but you opened your arms and I ducked on in while we ran for a block along with the rest of the Detroiters trying to survive. 
  9. Outgoing. Seeing that I am a big, ole, fat introvert and like to stay in bed all day by myself, your restless personality and extrovert-ness is a perfect match. You push me socially, in a way that is needed. At parties now days, I find myself always by yourself and letting you lead the conversation. I admire the way you can take a conversation and lead a group of people without hesitation. 
  10. Future Oriented. One of my fondest memories of all our time together is when we went camping, just the two of us. We didn't have cell reception so we spent all night talking. We talked about how if we get a dog it needs to be good with kids and where we want to live and how we're going to get a house together. Knowing that we are both in this for the long haul puts the biggest smile on my face. We love each other equally and I know neither of us will ever do anything to fuck it up (even though I make you promise that to me at least once a week). I don't know if you remember this but there was one day we were listening to "our song" in the car and I asked you if you will love me long term. Your response: "You make it easy to imagine long term baby." MELT MY DAMN HEART.
I love you an insane amount and couldn't be happier to be in love with my best friend. You put up with my blunt honesty and weird, strange ways.

Here's to another year of laughter, smiles, cries, long night talks, bumps in the road, adventures, and falling in love with you all over again. 

You've made me happier during one of the hardest years of my life and I thank you for that. I love you endlessly (I promise).

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Gurl Yous So Fat

Long time no talk! I haven't posted in quite sometime and I apologize for that. There are a few reasons why.
  1. I just recently started a new job at a 24 hour facility and they are quite unorganized and have changed my schedule what seems like 8528753728 times. Right now I am working 4am shifts which means I have to wake up at 2am to get to work on time with the commute. Ick.
  2. I am lazy.
  3. And probably the most important reason: I felt like I haven't been in the right place mentally. 
Let's recap.

For those of you who have read my other blogs you know that I have 2 different kinds of kidney disease and have been taking steroids to make my kidneys function properly. Steroids, as I have described in my older posts, give your body the ride of its life- and not in a good way.

I started to gain lots of weight at the end of June along with weird facial hair that made me look like Wolverine from X-men, a double chin, and a very very round face, and my bones and joints are falling apart at the seams. As of lately, the weight gain seems to have become exponential- like 1/2 lbs a day gain. Since I have no shame I will get quite specific with you here.

Before I was diagnosed I was weighing about 145. I know this isn't exactly healthy but it's definitely not over weight. By the end of June I was weighing about 155-160lbs. Within about 10 weeks (from the end of June to now early September) I have gained 20 lbs and am now weighing in at 180 pounds. Now for someone who is health obsessed and works out every day this is INCREDIBLY disheartening and disappointing.

You see, I have been doing P90x3 for 8 weeks now, I actually just started block 3 of it today. I think I am the only person in the history of P90x that has had BACKWARDS progress! At least I am unique... right? Because of this reason I got to be insanely self conscious and had the worst self-esteem I have ever had.

I hated looking at myself in the mirror and when I did I would criticize every single thing that was wrong with my body. My hips are too wide, my thighs touch all the way to my knees, I have a double chin, my eyes are puffy, I have stretch marks fucking everywhere that seem so fucking deep, my clothes don't fit me anymore. 

That is so much negativity for any single person and of course this led to a downward spiral of depression. I was down all the time and for those brief moments that I would forget about the negative aspects of my body I would come up with a reason to be sad again- I am dead broke, I have bills to pay, I don't have clothes that fit me anymore, my car is so broke, I have no friends that live near me, I haven't seen my family in months, etc. etc. anything to keep me down, I would think about.

I don't know if the depression was a side effect of my medication but I was sick of being down and bringing down everyone else around me. So... ENOUGH SAD SHIT.

Because the thing is- people really do care. Since I have been posting and keeping people updated on my social media of what is going on in my life, I have had people that I haven't talked to in YEARS message me offering a listening ear or kind word of compassion. I don't think people understand what a small act can do to someone who is in a downward spiral of depression.

From those small words I have decided enough is enough and I need to focus on the positives. After I am off these stupid fucking steroids and lose the weight I have gained, I am going to be one nimble little girl. Since doing P90x and being able to do all the moves with 40 extra pounds on me I can't even imagine how easy they are going to be 40 pounds lighter! 

On another positive note, since working at a gym I am surrounded by health positive people constantly. They are always reminding me it's just a side effect of my medications and do a good job at keeping me positive. They have actually even inspired me to get my Group Fitness Certification. I would love to be able to lead a group of people in a fun and exciting way that is also positive. Since having my own weight story now as well I would be able to relate with a lot of the students, and the money is also 3 times more than what I am making now which doesn't hurt. Now to only find $300 to get the certification if any of you know how to make that money as quickly as possible without having to stand on the corner and sell my body let a girl know!

On to bigger and better things, slowly but surely. Keeping my head up and fingers crossed for lots of positive changes here soon. Cheers!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Pig and Whiskey: What's Keeping Me Going

The Pig & Whiskey Festival. Seriously? A weekend long event dedicated to pork and alcohol?


I was looking forward to this event all week. It my cooped up madness that is unemployment, it is depressing that this is what got me through the week.

Upon arriving at the event, I decided to do a little pre-event drinkage at my buddy's place seeing how it was his birthday. After 5 beers and a rumbling belly later, we decided to walk to the event.

I was all about the food. Being on the steroids and waiting 3 hours (this is a long ass time for me) between my last meal so I could fully enjoy the heaven that was this pork festival I was starving.

You see, when I don't eat I become a bitch. Not in the cute, grumpy "Oh she's just hungry" kind of way. I'm more of the city destroying, fire breathing Godzilla in the Snickers commercial. I felt like I was going to kill someone without some sort of food in my mouth.

This was my mission of the night. Being the shit heads that we are, we didn't take into account that everyone also saved up their meals for the event.



We decided to get our beers first instead and see if this helped the lines shorten up (in our heads this was logical, shut up). As we consumed our first beverage, we walked around the inspect the lines. We're they any shorter?

Nope. Back to the beer tent we go!

We repeated this exact process 3 more times before we were stumbling-idiots and we realized that we ALL really needed food in our alcohol filled bellies and decided on the tent with the shortest wait period.

Being the picky-eater at heart that I am, I had to special order my EIGHT DOLLAR pulled pork sandwich with no toppings- only meat and the bun. Turns out, this is fucking delicious. Mind you, this was only the second time I had ever had pulled pork but in my starving-drunk state, having food in my hand was about all I needed reach foodgasm.

The meat was so juicy and soft, typically this is not the way I normally like my meat (insert boner joke here), but this succulent meat was everything I needed in that moment. Having to wash down the glory that was my first meal, I SOMEHOW managed to finish my, *cough, ninth beer.  Boy, it sounds a lot worse when put into writing... whoopsies.

Beer? Why are we drinking beer? This is the Pig and WHISKEY festival for fuck's sake!

Off to the Jack Daniel's tent we go!

Sick of waiting in lines, we all decided to double-fist thinking that we would have drinks for twice as long. No, no. This only caused us to drink twice as fast.

Regular Jack on the right, Honey Jack on the left. Taste buds becoming more and more numb. Annnnnd I was hungry again. Must. Have. Food. Now.

Of course, the shortest line was nachos...why would they even have this as an option? I didn't care. Cosby and I scarffed that plate down like it was the only thing keeping us alive. Although, he did manage to take a very attractive selfie. As you can see, food is my everything:

Needing more to wash down our Nachos... back to the Jack Daniel's tent we go!

Just kidding (or am I?) this drunk-piggie needed to go HOME.

I won't bore with the rest of the night which was filled with deep conversations of the history of Detroit, a drunken-business pitch, a table so full of empty cans we had to move them to the ground, myself being woken up once with french fries being shoved into my mouth and another time with a very large snake slithering around my face.... 

Pig and Whiskey fest... oh how you don't disappoint.