Friday, July 11, 2014

Hello Internet Friends!

Hello and welcome to this awkward and vulnerable experience we call blogging! This is my first time doing this so bear with me here.

I have been watching YouTube videos since the website was created but first got into "following" YouTuber's about 2 years ago when I fond one of Jaclyn Hill's make-up tutorials on Pinterest. Since then I have been following people like Zoella, Joe Snugg, Tayna Burr, Marcus Butler, Nikki Phillippi, and my all-time favorite, Karissa Pukas. Now, you may be wondering why I am here talking about YouTube while blogging... well, many of these people started out with having blogs which I have followed for years now.

I have always thought about starting my own blog but

  1. Didn't have the time because I was in school
  2. Too lazy (whoopsies)
  3. I am awful with technology
  4. Was afraid of putting myself out there (vulnerability)
Now that I have graduated from Michigan State University and gone through the "post-graduate" slump, I decided what better time than now to try something new?! What have a got to lose really? I have no shame and I have learned to enjoy sharing my life with people. 

One thing that you may be wondering about: the title of my blog, "My Limbo Life." I wanted it to be titled "My Life in Limbo" but apparently some lucky Mother F-er already stole that name so I got the second best option. Meh- works for me. 

I choose this because I never feel as though my life is never quite "there". What is there you may ask- good question. I'm not 100% sure myself but what I do know is this: I am never dead broke, yet I never have enough money. I am never deathly ill, yet I never feel healthy. I am not over-weight, yet I am not in perfect shape. I am never fully put together, yet I am never lookin' a hot mess (at least not most of the time). I am always in limbo, somewhere in-between. I am neither here nor there.

So here we are; ready to embark on this exciting journey together. What can you expect from me? 

Well, first off expect blunt honesty. Since going to college, I have learned to have no shame. I tend to over-share with people and I find that to be healthy and a bit embarrassing at times but why hide who you are, right? As for content wise, you can expect a jumbled mess- at least here in the beginning. I plan on telling you about my health, my life experiences (HA HA Aunt Sue and Aunt Kim), embarrassing stories, reviews on products, restaurants, and bars (shots! shots!), and pretty much anything else that I feel like sharing with my new found internet friends (yes, that's you!). 

Are you excited as I am?! I certainly hope so. I got to tell ya, I woke up at 5:00 AM this morning with this idea and have been running with it since. I feel a bit scared and vulnerable but more importantly, over joyed because I have a feeling (just go with me here) that this could be something awesome. With your help and input, we could make this into great, enthusiastic community. Who's with me?!

Till next time my internet friends

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