Saturday, July 12, 2014

How NOT To Get A Job

  1.  Get your degree in a soft science
  2. Truly believe you'll get a job that has to do with your degree
But really though...

My anthropology adviser in college assured me I would be able to do sooooo much with my degree, boy was she wrong.

Yes, maybe if I go to graduate school for another few years of my life and a few thousand dollars later I will receive a job that has to do with my degree. My measly $26,000 in debt and my poor bachelor's degree ain't doin' shit for me.

Spring semester of my senior year at Michigan State and all hyped for the 'real' world. Excited and proud of my social science degree, I was going to do something great in the world with what I have learned. I will fight for the rights of others and change the world! I was so naive... and stupid. Here is a screenshot of a picture I posted, so proud of myself... No shit I got 15/15. Yes, I love my degree and social sciences, but it's all objective.

My boyfriend was constantly lecturing me, telling me to enjoy what little time I had left. "But I'm so excited to have a daily routine that ends at 5:00 and doesn't have to continue with homework and studying!" I would nag back at him. I applied for about 10 different jobs, all in non-profit. All I ever heard was "There's no money in non-profit". I didn't care about money, I wanted change!

Now here I am, balls deep in these little things called bills that require money. That's when it hit me- BANG! Turns out you need money and everyone was right about that little fact.

I got a job at a marketing firm that did work for a non-profit. I didn't know a lot about the job going into it other than I would be going out in the "field" and getting people involved with the non-profit. I was pumped! How many people ACTUALLY get a job in the field that they graduated college with. I was one of the lucky few!


This thing called the "field"was, more or less, door to door marketing for the non-profit. Don't get me wrong, I love the work that this job did and what they stood for but, DAMN, is door to door hard work! On a daily basis I would get the door slammed in my face and dogs threatening to rip my arm off. The first month on the job I was so happy to be doing the work that the rudeness of people washed right off me. And then it caught up to me.

I wasn't making a lot of money, barely able to pay my bills, let alone get groceries or my medications I needed. People were constantly bothered by the work I was doing, I was working 6 days a week and had no time to myself. This isn't for me. I had to get out of this job... NOW.

All this happened a week ago.

They always say the first job out of school is the hardest- they are right. It got to the point where all I wanted was to get out SO bad, I maaaaaay have possibly just mentioned to my co-workers and boss that I already had an offer and was starting next week.  This was done to rationalize the leave and save what little dignity remained for me at this office, buuuut JOKE'S ON ME.

Here I am today, getting all anxious for my extended "weekend," 3 weeks left of pay checks and rent due in 4.

My plan for today: go to Royal Oak Starbucks- apply for job,  go to Troy Starbucks- apply for a job, go to Lush- apply for a job, go to Loco's in downtown Detroit- apply for a job. Bachelor's degree required? NOPE.

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